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Hastings Local Quaker Meeting

Quakers were founded on the belief that we all have "that of God" within us, and that everyone can have direct experience of God without the need for priests, creeds or hierarchies. We therefore have no clergy, no "leaders" and no formal liturgy. Our worship is based in silence during which we seek to discern the "inward light" of the Spirit. Meeting for Worship is held every Sunday at 10.30 am and lasts for an hour. Everyone is welcome to join us in our Sunday worship: there is no need to ask permission or to make any commitment. We have no “creed” but we have principles (which we call “testimonies”) to live by. The most important of these are our testimonies to peace, integrity, simplicity, and equality. Above all we say that how you live, and what sort of person you are, is more important than what you believe.

5 South Terrace
TN34 1SA
Phone: N/A
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